Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I have not logged into my account for soooo looong, I forgot my own password. O.O
Anyways, time for more random updating. I'm typing this out at 4 am on a Tuesday morning, with a cup of parsley tea on hand and an apple.

Yes, how random could I get?

I'm trying to make my blood flow faster. The cramps are annoying and I'm trying the tea method. See if it works! I'll tweet nonetheless, so you can search my tweets, for the verdict. (My tweets are few so you could easily find it).

I'm ABCDEFG hungry. I've only had Nasi Lemak for brekkie and half a double cheesburgerz for dinner. YES THAT IS MY SECRET FOR STAYING SO "SLIM". But I'm gonna gorge tomorrow/today on my mom's Oxtail Soup, Sambal Kangkong and Tahu Goreng. MMMMM..

And then, it's fasting month.

Time flies pass really quick aint it?

National Day was yesterday- and I had an AWESOME time with my loved ones. We had truckloads of fun, being us. Thanks F & Ahmad for following,hope you had a great time (: Just wished that Shah could've joined us :/

I can't believe it's August already! Less than half a year to graduation, 2 years in ITE! Fast or what?

While we are on the topic of Time, I'd like to type something out for someone. Hope he checks my post, it ain't dead yet!

To you,

This may be overdued, but yet once again, I would like to thank you for the 6 months worth of support, love, dedication and patience. Thank you for being my rock- lending me a shoulder to cry on. Staying put and listening to me whilst I rant about the idiots that annoyed me & wiping my tears when I cry. You were there for me when I need you the most and when I'm at my happiest. I couldnt think of a better person to share everything with other than you. Thank you for your support and understanding. I couldn't ask for more than for us to stay this way.

A million years .

Alright, I'm beyond sleepy. I'm seeing double o.o NIGHTS

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