Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I dont feel good.

You know what would be awesome? If I could get my mind off things. That would be simply awesome. Sometimes I wish I could just go away. Go far far away. Go to a quiet place, somewhere new.

I imagine a place by the water, where the water is cool and clear. The sun is always shining, and that the breeze is always refreshing. I will be staying in a quaint cottage, with wide open windows, so that the rays from the sun could just flood in. At night, the warmth of the lights in cottage would provide me with comfort and theres no distractions. Just me and a good book. I'll spend my days reading, eating, swimming and simply be myself. The nearest shop would be miles away and I'll have to drive to get there.

No connection. Just me and myself.

I wouldnt need to live up to expectation, I would just be alone. I wouldnt be guilty or be accounted for anybody's actions. I wouldnt be expected of anything. I'll just have it simple. But places like this, the reality of it happening is nothing but a dream. Theres no such thing as happy quiet places. Only in your head.

At this point of time, I'm not happy with my life. I feel so sticky, broke, tainted, cramped, Claustrophobic.

Leave me alone can?

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