Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's been awhile

It's been a long time since I last blogged ; god knows it probably has been a year .

I've been busy with loads of things - mostly school and my personal stuff . It's been one heck of a roller coaster ride since the last time I blogged - but things are mostly on the positive side right now . So I am very grateful (:

I realized that my blog is fast becoming an old friend . Someone who I may not stay in contact with for a long while but when I do , I have many things to say .

Anyways , I actually do have many things to say tonight . My insomnia is acting up and my brain is kinda going into overdrive  .

I've been thinking about a lot of things of late and these thoughts has brought me to more questions . And of course not having answers always frustrates me . I've been thinking about certain people , questioning why I feel certain way towards them  . Just generally questioning my feelings . Right now I need to sift through these feelings .

And perhaps I might blog about it when I feel like I know the answer .

On another note , I just want to say that I won't change the way I am for anyone .
And I realized that the person I am may not appeal to everyone , but that is just me .

The sad part is that I'm beginning to question myself if its even worth it to keep to my conviction .

Here comes all the unwanted questions

Oh well .

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